On this blog, we frequently use the terms “energy conservation” and “energy efficiency.” What do those terms mean, exactly? When they get used in general speech, they’re often thought to be interchangeable, but they actually refer to two separate -- albeit closely related -- concepts. Here’s a simple rundown:
What Energy
Conservation Is
Energy conservation simply refers to using less energy
overall. In most cases, energy conservation involves behavioral changes. So if
you see that your electric company bills are getting too high, you might decide
to turn up the thermostat in the summer so that your air conditioning doesn’t
come on as often (AC is quite an energy hog, accounting for about 19% of
residential electrical energy use in the country). Other examples of habits
that support conservation are keeping the refrigerator door closed until you
know what you’re planning to get out and turning off the lights when you leave
the room.
What Energy
Efficiency Is
Energy efficiency refers more specifically to using less
energy to perform the same functions. That means that, in most cases, energy
efficiency is a matter of technology. We can compare some efficiency efforts to
the conservation practices mentioned above. Whereas conservation would involve
turning the thermostat up, efficiency would involve installing a new AC unit
that uses less power to cool to the same temperature. Whereas conservation
involves keeping the fridge door closed, efficiency might involve buying a
newer, more efficient refrigerator (the average fridge sold today in the U.S.
actually uses 75% less energy than ones sold in 1975, despite costing 60% less
and being 20% larger). And whereas conservation might include turning off the
lights, efficiency would involve switching out old-fashioned incandescent bulbs
for CFLs or LEDs.
How They Work
There’s no question that we need to get a handle on our
electricity usage as a country. In 2013, we collectively used 13 times more
electricity than our counterparts did in 1950. So if you’re looking for energy
savings, should you care more about conservation, or efficiency? The ideal
solution is actually a both/and, not an either/or; they’re two sides of the
same coin. We should all be striving to use responsible amounts of energy, and
changed habits and improved technology can both support that goal while also
allowing us to enjoy modern conveniences. If you want to look at the overall
impact of energy usage, you can also think of conservation and efficiency as
being two vertices of a triangle, the third being sustainable power generation.
Then we’re being smart not just about how we’re using power -- we’re also being
smart about how we’re creating it in the first place.
Where have you been focusing your habits, conservation or
efficiency? Discuss in the comments.