Friday, February 17, 2017

4 Easy Ways You Can Save Energy in Your Own Home

It goes without saying that in some cases, a homeowner's least favorite day of the month is when the energy bills arrive. Even in this era of low energy costs, all that smartphone charging and central air conditioning adds up. But while many people complain about high energy costs, few will do anything to decrease their energy usage.
Well, there's no time like the present to save energy in your home. You might be at a loss as to how to do that, but we've got you covered. Saving money on energy costs isn't as complicated as you likely think, nor does it have to involve a total renovation of your home. Here are four simple tips that can help you save energy in your home and bid adieu to those ridiculously high energy bills.

Use cold water
Washing your clothes in cold water might be unpleasant when you're switching the laundry over, but it's going to save energy like you wouldn't believe. It takes energy to heat up all that water, so using cold water is going to help you save on energy costs, and probably on your water bill. Plus, cold water will clean your clothes just as well as hot water, while also avoiding that dreaded shrinkage.

Wear the right clothing
Something as simple as dressing for the weather can make all the difference in your energy usage. If the weather is shaping up to be cold, make sure you're wearing a warm pair of socks, warm pants, and a big sweater. Layers are great -- as is a particularly cozy hoodie. On the opposite side of the weather spectrum, summer weather should mean shorts and tank tops around the house. You'll be amazed at the energy reduction awards.

Seal windows and doors
Sealing air leaks around windows and doors can save up to 20% on heating and cooling bills. It's truly something else to see what just a little bit of caulk can do for your energy savings. Not only that, but it will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Install a programmable thermostat
Programmable thermostats are one of the most useful energy savings tools you can have. Conserving energy is as simple as setting your thermostat to keep the temperature between a certain range of degrees. From there, you can program it around your schedule, ensuring that you aren't paying to heat or cool an empty home while you're away at work.
Saving energy isn't a difficult task. In fact, it can be the easiest thing in the world if you're willing to make a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

Don't let your energy bills control your life!

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